Today we've decided to share some images from a recent shoot we did with our niece Anna taken during her trip to the Yukon last month. Normally she lives in Newfoundland, but she was up visiting family with my sister and brother in law for a few weeks.
So, my sister wanted some nice simple shots that really just focussed on Anna's expressions which as you'll notice, she has a lot of. As with any baby shoot, we work on a time line, trying to get as many shots as possible in before there are any meltdowns. For any of you out there with kids, you know that when they're this small (hey maybe even when they're older-who knows), their moods can change in an instant which can put a quick end to their 'modelling gig'.
On this day, however, Anna decided to surprise us all...she was full of smiles and more than happy to just check out the lights and laugh at her Grandpa. That was until we decided that we should introduce her to Bill Murray. Now, Bill Murray is a 2 year old Newfoundlander, and although he's completely harmless, (one might even say 'lazy' or probably a better term would be 'extremely zen'), someone as tiny as Anna probably looks at him and sees a giant, hairy, baby eating monster....
Needless to say, we got Murray to lay down on our white seamless (which after the shoot was no longer white...this spring weather does not get along with long dog hair), and sat Anna down beside him. At first (as you'll notice from the shot), she was simply intrigued by the size of his giant head and the bone he was chewing on...but then it was as if she suddenly realized that due to her lack of ability to walk, she was trapped there beside the 'beast'! Sooo the tears began, parents tried to calm her, and Murray just kept on chewin'...
Alas, the photoshoot was indeed over.
The interesting note is that she's hung out with Bill Murray many times since and never has a problem with him-even when he 'sneakily' jogs by her and gives her a full head lick in one i have my doubts that it was fear after all and instead more of a trick to get her mom to feed her. She's sneaky like that...

The only question we were left with was who drooled more on our white seamless...