Hey everyone, Bri here...
We are sleepy...why you ask? I'm going to have to blame part of that on the work we did today (commercial shoot and construction work), but possibly even more of it on the turkey that was just consumed...Ohhh thanksgiving...you get me every time....
We just finished up dinner with my parents and it got me thinking about just how lucky we are to have such an incredible family...
For example, we're in the process of getting ready to build a new studio onto our house and so we spent the entire day today with my mom and dad, tearing apart our deck so that the foundation can be laid tomorrow...It was a TON of work, but my parents were troopers and happily helped us out for the entire day...even though i'm sure they had plenty of other things to do with their sunday...
SO...the point of this story? It is thanksgiving, we're thankful for our amazing family, and so we thought it would also be appropriate to include a few shots from one of our family shoots this summer....
These guys know how to laugh...This was the first time all of the kids were home from university for the same time in years, and the best part about this shoot was the amount of trash talking that went down...all in fun of course, but these smiles were all produced from someone poking fun at someone else until the rest of the family busted out laughing along with them...We had a great time with these guys and were super happy to be able to capture some memories for them...
So again, Happy thanksgiving everyone! And thanks again to my mom and dad for being so rad...