Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Over the past few days, the Yukon has hosted a few new visitors from around the world...

Go Media 2012 is an annual event which brings together international journalists to explore Canadian travel stories and destinations, and this year, the Yukon was chosen as the host location!

Yesterday, Gary had the opportunity to take part in one of the day adventures delegates were able to sign up for out at Mt. Sima.

It was a great chance to meet people from all over the world who work in the tourism industry as journalists, bloggers, and photographers.  And as a climbing instructor, let's just say Gary was in his element being able to combine ropes, heights and photography all in the same day....Not a bad start to the week.

So thanks to everyone involved in Go Media 2012!  The organizers did a fantastic job of showing off the Yukon, and we got to meet some amazing people from around the world.

Stay tuned over the next few days for some shots from the Photobooth at luncheon today as well...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

One year and counting...

It's always a little bit of a shock when parents call us to book a one year session with their babies who just months ago were in our studio as tiny, little, "i'm gonna have you all wrapped around my finger" newborns.  They're so GOOD at that eh?...

Now, if it's that much of a shock to us, we can only imagine what it must be like for the parents themselves...They've now made it through a lot of the sleepless nights, thousands of diaper changes and 'first tooth' experiences and can't believe a full year has already flown by.

This family is one of those very clients, who were actually just with us 6 months ago for a shoot, and even in that amount of time, their little girl has changed SO much.  This time around, we opted for an outdoor shoot, and as you'll notice, although she is a pretty serious little lady, we got some smiles out of her along the way.

At this age, it's fun to take kids out of the studio setting and see them interact with the 'real world' now that they are exploring more, and it's always amazing to us to see their personalities come out now that they're a bit older.  Instead of newborn "i'm gonna have you wrapped around my fingers", they are larger versions who can communicate better as to what they want!  Even MORE leverage for finger wrapping!

And for all those parents out there who are willing their kids to stay small and not grow up too fast, don't worry too much....just rest assured that the next phase has some pretty great parts to it as well. (and hopefully more sleep)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Two Newfoundlanders walk into a studio...

Don't worry this isn't the beginning of a really bad joke...and technically both of them didn't actually 'walk' into the studio...

Today we've decided to share some images from a recent shoot we did with our niece Anna taken during her trip to the Yukon last month.  Normally she lives in Newfoundland, but she was up visiting family with my sister and brother in law for a few weeks.

So, my sister wanted some nice simple shots that really just focussed on Anna's expressions which as you'll notice, she has a lot of.  As with any baby shoot, we work on a time line, trying to get as many shots as possible in before there are any meltdowns.  For any of you out there with kids, you know that when they're this small (hey maybe even when they're older-who knows), their moods can change in an instant which can put a quick end to their 'modelling gig'.

On this day, however, Anna decided to surprise us all...she was full of smiles and more than happy to just check out the lights and laugh at her Grandpa. That was until we decided that we should introduce her to Bill Murray.  Now, Bill Murray is a 2 year old Newfoundlander, and although he's completely harmless, (one might even say 'lazy' or probably a better term would be 'extremely zen'), someone as tiny as Anna probably looks at him and sees a giant, hairy, baby eating monster....

Needless to say, we got Murray to lay down on our white seamless (which after the shoot was no longer white...this spring weather does not get along with long dog hair), and sat Anna down beside him. At first (as you'll notice from the shot), she was simply intrigued by the size of his giant head and the bone he was chewing on...but then it was as if she suddenly realized that due to her lack of ability to walk, she was trapped there beside the 'beast'! Sooo the tears began, parents tried to calm her, and Murray just kept on chewin'...

Alas, the photoshoot was indeed over.

The interesting note is that she's hung out with Bill Murray many times since and never has a problem with him-even when he 'sneakily' jogs by her and gives her a full head lick in one swoop...so i have my doubts that it was fear after all and instead more of a trick to get her mom to feed her. She's sneaky like that...

The only question we were left with was who drooled more on our white seamless...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gary likes a good breeze...

As wedding photographers, we've gotten to travel to a lot of great places for work...so far we've shot in Yukon, BC, Alberta, NFLD, PEI, Dominican Republic, Cuba and Mexico! Not a bad bonus to the job, although some of these destinations also come with their challenges...

To travel to other countries sounds like an awesome time, and for the most part it is, but working your regular job in a crazy new climate can also have some downsides...

Wedding photography is a genre which we think doesn't get enough credit. Often, people don't realize the amount of work and energy that really goes into them.  Not only are you working in both a creative and technical mindset all day, you also have to be ready to be flexible (as anyone who's been involved in a wedding knows, things don't always go exactly as planned), AND you're 'on' for up to 12 hours straight depending on the wedding style...So to take all of that and add on an extra 20 or so 30 or so degrees and...well...things get trickier!

Now, at our most recent wedding in Mexico, Gary discovered a trick to beating the heat of a destination shoot...You see, with the age we're at, we happen to have a lot of friends who are getting married, and often we are chosen to be their photographers. (Which each and every time is humbling and a huge honour!) The difference in this one, was that we were also both part of the wedding party! You'd think that might be an extra stress for us, but in the end-it had some major advantages...the main one being the fact that the groom had picked Kilts for his groomsmen....

See Exhibit A:

Turns out Gary loooooves shooting weddings in kilts because when that breeze comes off the ocean...well, things are apparently a lot more comfortable....

So we'd like to take the opportunity on this post to thank Nick and Heather for having us be a part of their day-it was a huge honour for us and we were SO happy to have been there to be a part of all the laughs and the special moments. You both looked incredible!  And Gary would especially like to thank Nick for introducing him to his new favourite outfit...  :)